Gloria De Jesus-Heck

Everyone who isn’t an agent or wasn’t pre-registered must scan my QR code (Curb Hero) to register before entering. I tell them the owners want to know who came into their house. There are several pre qualifying questions. All leads are contacted and become part of our CRM nurturing system

I want to say that i just found this app yesterday and i am IN LOVE with it! It is exactly what I needed to help me gather information on the Open House visitors since I hate to guess people’s handwriting! Also will make my Open House Events look a lot more sophisticated! And I love that IT’S FREE for agents!!!
It is the perfect app for me to acquire and reach out the new leads that comes to my Open Houses!

Thank you for this product !!! Is clean user friendly… I was stumbling trying to capture the right information especially when you’re probably working the open house with clients and needing to stop because you can’t read someone’s handwriting is the most frustrating thing. Now I can at least get rid of one of my clipboards. I have already recommended to my 2 other team members!!
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