Gloria De Jesus-Heck

Everyone who isn’t an agent or wasn’t pre-registered must scan my QR code (Curb Hero) to register before entering. I tell them the owners want to know who came into their house. There are several pre qualifying questions. All leads are contacted and become part of our CRM nurturing system

I have used curbhero for my open houses for a while. my mentor suggested your app and I have used it since. I have been selling real estate for about a year and I have had pretty good success. Your app has been a part of that as it establishes a higher level of credibility and security of my lead data.

Open House Sign Up Made Easy. My agent friend referred Curb Hero and it’s been great using it. Digital sign-in is great. I also like using the social media posts they create if you submit your request in advance. Lots of cool stuff on this app like gift card drawings, referral perks etc. Highly recommend!
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