Jennifer Hu

Jennifer Hu

Must have for Realtors for open house and listing. This app is so easy to use and make the listing so easy to market and keep track of everyone with follow up for open house. I love the interface for potential clients to sign in at open house. Looks so professionally done with a few clicks and llove how I can use a different language too for the listing for a particular neighborhood as well. Well done app!

Elisamuel Cruz
Elisamuel Cruz

I wanted an app that would streamline my open houses and this app helps generate a lot of leads and help my clients sell their property!

Martin Le
Martin Le

Can’t wait to use these this weekend at my Open House.

Shannon Koch
Shannon Koch

As a new agent wanting to make the most of my money and time this app is perfect! I love that I can add my own questions and personalization. Customer Service is very polite, quick and helpful too!

Review Date
Reviewed Item
Block Party
Author Rating
Software Name
Block Party
Software Name
Software Category
Real Estate
Michael Kowalksi
Michael Kowalksi

I like the features and it has a nice interface and easy to use.

Debbie Buckley
Debbie Buckley

Wow this is awesome! I’d love this for every open house I do.

Review Date
Reviewed Item
Block Party
Author Rating
Software Name
Block Party
Software Name
Software Category
Real Estate
Jared Lombardi
Jared Lombardi

You all rock!! Love your app. I have only done one open house with it! Looking forward to using your app more and more! Thank you for all the help!

Review Date
Reviewed Item
Block Party
Author Rating
Software Name
Block Party
Software Name
Software Category
Real Estate
Sheli Engelby
Sheli Engelby

This is a great tool! Thank you so much!

Amy Kelly
Amy Kelly

I love this app. Very easy to navigate

Amanda Searle
Amanda Searle

it’s free and does the same thing my other sign in software does

Rhonda Hoff
Rhonda Hoff

Its a great app

Britney Butler
Britney Butler

I chose this platform for open houses that I do. I like the lay out and aesthetics. I also like how I can link my social media and lender to it!

Amar S Badh
Amar S Badh

Thanks for the work you are doing. Excited to join the Curb Hero community.

Eun Cho
Eun Cho

Easy to use. I can verify who comes to my open house.

Meg Sanders
Meg Sanders

Thanks so much for taking the time to create something like this! I came across a video while looking for awesome ideas to help with hosting an open house. I’m really looking forward to using it!

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