Michelle Simerly

Michelle Simerly

This was my second time using this app and I love it. Thank you

Randy Bell
Randy Bell

I LOVE IT!!!! I’m new to this office and I’ll share it with the IT guy.

Jeannine Politoski
Jeannine Politoski

I signed up because I know penmanship is terrible. I also like the professional look of a digital sign in.

Marilyn Escobar
Marilyn Escobar

I don’t understand why this is free. I love it so much I would honestly pay an annual fee! But… I’m not one to judge so I appreciate the savings!! Lol. Whom ever invented this is a FLIPPING GENIUS! I love the QR Code feature to sign in. Makes long lines at OHS go smoothly!!!

Tim Licocci
Tim Licocci

I just on boarded 3 new Agents and I will be asking every new agent to use Curb Hero

Meaghan Cooper
Meaghan Cooper

Love the app, it’s easy to use

Libby Severance
Libby Severance

I am looking for the best tools and your app came highly recommended. As a marketing tool, the app captures lead contact details and will even auto populate/generate text messages to send to the leads immediately upon sign-in…and I have two leads that have responded already to me assisting with their home search.

Becky Pistole

I’m loving the app!!!! Have been telling everyone about it! It seriously works like a charm. So easy to create an open house page, change layouts and most importantly use for the actual open house.

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Block Party
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Block Party
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Real Estate
Jessica Crowell
Jessica Crowell

This is pure awesomeness, thank you!

Review Date
Reviewed Item
Block Party
Author Rating
Software Name
Block Party
Software Name
Software Category
Real Estate
Jolan Bastien
Jolan Bastien

I started using yours because I was using another digital open house sign in app and when I went to export the contacts, I ran into a pay wall. Fail.

I went looking to see if other apps were the same and yours offered much more functionality and is free to agents.

Shozeb Yaqub
Shozeb Yaqub

I used this app once before with my previous team and really liked the concept of digital signing in + getting their info straight to my computer including if they are working with another agent or not. Love the app and will be referring it to my new team of 40+ agents

Rosa Valdez Arciga
Rosa Valdez Arciga

As an emerging agent in the digital age I wanted a way to connect with clients especially with the ones who’s writing I couldn’t read. I kept looking for a digital sign in for open houses but something that I didn’t have pay more fees for and stumbled on curb hero. It’s totally free and no hidden fees! I mean wow who could beat that?! And the layout is great too

Marilyn Suber
Marilyn Suber

I checked Curb Hero out yesterday. This morning they sent me an Excel sheet with homeowners around that address that would be likely to sell. Pretty cool!

Mike Esfandi
Mike Esfandi

The tool is awesome

Sally OBrien
Sally OBrien

Love the app. your the best!

Lindsay Truax
Lindsay Truax

Great app. I tried it out with another agent at her open house
loved it.

Debbie Nicoll
Debbie Nicoll

Seems like a great opportunity to meet potential clients and capture their info.

Maggie True
Maggie True

I have been searching for a simpler way to get my Open House prospects to sign in without feeling pressured.

Jeffrey Kroener
Jeffrey Kroener

I feel the program is very user friendly. My moxi does not have anything
like it. Thank you

Morgan Phillips
Morgan Phillips

My partner and I love the service keep it up!

Beckie Takashima Williamson
Beckie Takashima Williamson

I really like your app so far. Thanks so much for
making this tool available to us!

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