Samira Ghoul

Open House Sign Up Made Easy. My agent friend referred Curb Hero and it’s been great using it. Digital sign-in is great. I also like using the social media posts they create if you submit your request in advance. Lots of cool stuff on this app like gift card drawings, referral perks etc. Highly recommend!

If you are a real estate agent you need this app. Period. It will seriously help and convert your open house leads. This app has had a serious impact on my business

Every agent needs to use this app! The days of paper sign-in sheets for open houses needs to be long gone. There’s a better way and this app does it all for you!

So stoked to find an app that we can use without paying a million dollars! The app is simple, functional, and a huge help! FINALLY!!!!!!!

Gone are the days of trying to decipher phone numbers and other information written in chicken-scratch on sign in sheets. And it texts the listing directly to the guest! Very straightforward and easy to use, I highly recommend

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