Shawn Hartmann

Shawn Hartmann

Awesome app!!! Thanks

Zully Amaya
Zully Amaya

App Rocks! Glad I’m learning how to use it!

David Lawson
David Lawson

WOW…FANTASTIC. looking forward to using it. THANKS AGAIN for all your help.

Jack Sitti
Jack Sitti

I signed up because I wanted to grow leads for my open houses! Thanks for creating it!

Jessica Yatooma
Jessica Yatooma

I downloaded the app last week and used it over the weekend at an OH! It was great: I love the idea of having a digital signing platform for open houses.

Antonio Pea
Antonio Pea

I’m a one man team… so, I’m in charge of marketing and everything else. I’m loving the app!

Stephanie Perez
Stephanie Perez

Looking forward to using this app for my next open house this weekend

Beatriz Stoyanoff
Beatriz Stoyanoff

A great format for capturing open house contacts. great work!

Zac Vaughan
Zac Vaughan

This is a genius idea and concept, my friend

Danita Blow
Danita Blow

This is a great app and thank you for all of your hard work. I already recommended this app to three people.

Dylan Suitor
Dylan Suitor

I work for a real estate team and we love using your app for open houses and tracking leads!

Rosemary Homeister
Rosemary Homeister

I used this APP for the first time on Saturday. Loved it! I feel it is a great tool.

Karen Fedyk
Karen Fedyk

Using the app for the first time and LOVE it.

Steven Thomas
Steven Thomas

I needed an alternative to paper sign in sheets at open houses and a way to keep everything neat and organized. I love your app and it seems you’ve done everything right! 🤩 Thank you for the awesome app!!!

Lillian Proctor
Lillian Proctor

I am impressed with what I have seen so far and will share with my broker. Thank you!

Heather Smith
Heather Smith

Thank you for being awesomely responsive! You rock!

Trudy Edwards
Trudy Edwards

I like your product very much and share info about it with other agents

Kelly Smith
Kelly Smith

found your app when searching for open house ideas and
it looked like a great platform for my agents

Sunil Singh
Sunil Singh

Awesome app. The software allows me to modify my listings and present a clean and clear and covid friendly platform for my guests. My favorite feature is the qr code sign in option making checking in to a open house a breeze.

Ashley Mullins
Ashley Mullins

I just shared it with 2 agents on my team yesterday. It’s going great so far!

Justin Roberts
Justin Roberts

Love this tool and use it at my Open Houses, it makes follow up so easy and we all know the money is in the follow up.

Review Date
Reviewed Item
Block Party
Author Rating
Software Name
Block Party
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Software Category
Real Estate

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