Vincenza Ousley

Vincenza Ousley

I love this app called curb hero! I put a sign on the front door with the QR code and have everyone sign in. I ask every person to put their agents full name if they have one. They immediately receive a text message after signing in and so do you, so you know if they didn’t fill it out. Your text message gives you their name and a link to add notes about them quick and conveniently. This app is free to agents!

Dena Spruill
Dena Spruill

I love this app! Never going back to paper sign in sheets. It’s quick, easy, and efficient. And customer support is great.

Kathy Neri
Kathy Neri

Your app looks very professional and it was recommended to me. Thank you for providing this free of charge.

Enrica Zeggio
Enrica Zeggio

I heard of Curb Hero from a RE/MAX FB group. I’m planning to do more open houses…your app did strike me as the perfect tool to compensate a weakness of mine: not being able to get all the open house visitors’ contact info. Congratulations to for creating the app!

Seth Waller
Seth Waller

I love Curb Hero, it helps so much at my open houses, I share it with all the agents I know that do open houses.

Nicholas Settle
Nicholas Settle

Thanks for the great free product!

Ivanny Marcelino
Ivanny Marcelino

Absolutely love this app! Very user friendly and best of all it is free with added bonuses you don’t need to pay for. Adds so much value to my business I cannot believe I don’t have to pay for it.

Andres Restepo
Andres Restepo

Loving the app. Very glad to have this tool available.

Marija Mladenovic
Marija Mladenovic

I’ve been in Real Estate going into my 7th year and struggled finding a system that would help me stay in touch with leads from the open house. Not to mention not being able to read the penmanship and having to take the time to put the contact info into my CRM. Curb Hero has performed above any expectation that I had! Not only do they allow you to have a beautiful customized branded sign in page, they have a way for all of your new leads to go directly into your CRM!

Karen Schlosser
Karen Schlosser

Easy to set up, Easy to use with open house visitors, Far better than pen and paper, Everyone who came today was happy to complete the info. Loved the notes field, The ability to download in Excel format (my favorite spreadsheet).

Sue Runnells
Sue Runnells

I signed up for a couple reasons. First, I’m always looking to stay on the cutting edge of new trends and technology. Second, having people sign in at an Open House is great, but if you don’t have the time to sit down and enter their info into your CRM then the information loses its value.

Justin Webb
Justin Webb

Loved using the offline app. KVCORE has it’s own enrichment but it’s not as good as yours.
Super cool tool. I will spread the word to my realtor friends.

Joseph Hall
Joseph Hall

an affordable solution to pair with my CRM and create a seamless solution in the capturing of potential client data at open house listings.

Marcio Vasconcelos
Marcio Vasconcelos

Is this really free?

Jacqui Rose
Jacqui Rose

Great tool. I have shared with so many people!

Brian Somera
Brian Somera

I always try and plug you guys when chatting with other agents/lenders. I’m kinda surprised that more agents don’t know about it.

Justin Vierra
Justin Vierra

I am loving your product so far. Thank you for your help.

Steven Geer
Steven Geer

The idea of using tech MORE for open houses makes so much sense because I can not read peoples handwriting 80% of the time… this way will make it a million times easier.

Courtney Dennison
Courtney Dennison

I was looking for an app to help with open houses and this one popped up. I decided to download it and thats when I found out I could do so much more with it. I absolutely love this app and will be telling others about it.

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Block Party
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Block Party
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Real Estate
Mindy Cain
Mindy Cain

I had great success with the app this weekend and am hoping that this will up my level at open houses to capture all the potential leads that walk through the door. I am going to share at our team meeting tomorrow with the team.

Scott Ellis
Scott Ellis

I was actually touring some clients through a property during an open house and the agent holding the property open was using Curb hero on an Ipad and I thought it looked very professional.

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