Getting More Open House Sign-in Leads
Unfortunately not every person in your Open House is going to be thrilled about sharing their info so you can follow up with them and possibly nurture them to become either a client or referral source BUT there are some tricks to solve this.
With thousands of agents using Curb Hero at their Open House each week we’ve collected tons of Open House Ideas and overcoming visitor hesitations to signing in is one of the most popular areas of our research.

The Approach
The way you approach an Open House visitor when trying to get them to sign-in depends on your style when it comes to meeting people for the first time. Here are two very different approaches:
The Wine and Dine
Oh yes, we’re comparing sales to dating. Way back before online dating, people used to exchange their first awkward words at bars, nightclubs, and um grocery stores. In those days, it would be considered highly irregular to start a conversation by asking for someone’s contact info.
This is generally true for Open Houses too. The wine and dine approach means you wait until some rapport is built. Not only that, but you also suggest why signing in is beneficial to the visitor – see this section below on those benefits. Then ask for the digits.
Also when the time is right, have an Open House app or QR code ready to get their info because pulling out a crumpled sheet of paper from your back pocket is NOT gonna look slick.
The Go with the Flow
This is the exact opposite of the wine and dine approach and it’s a definitely more of an advanced move. Here’s how it works: hand the tablet displaying the Open House sign-in to a visitor as soon as they walk in – and do it while you are greeting them. If done naturally you can make it feel like it’s just part of the process and they’ll be more likely to go with the flow and sign in. If done unnaturally, you’ll know because there will be a lot of cold stares from people as they walk through the Open House.
TIP: Use our Touchless Sign-in option so people who have hygienic reasons not to use your device to sign-in can use their own phone to sign in. Plus it’s got a serious cool factor that shows prospects how tech/marketing savvy you are.
The Rebuttal
If visitors seem uneasy about providing their info, here are some scripts that help overcome their concerns. These are split into two approaches: a carrot and a stick…but they actually work best when combined. Yes, we’re talkin’ carrot sticks 🥕🪵

How to incentivize people to fill out the open house sign in sheet 🥕
- “I have similar properties I can show you before they hit the market.” (off market properties are like catnip to serious buyers)
- “Sign in and you’ll immediately get a text with photos and details about the property – it’ll help save a tree 😉 “
*keep in mind you will need to set up the text follow up and make sure your device is connected to the internet. Btw we created beautiful listing microsites that you can easily add once you’ve created your listing. Here’s a tutorial. - “We’re running a gift card prize drawing for people that sign-in with us today” – and don’t forget to actually run the drawing at some point
Blame the seller 🪵
- “This just helps us show the seller we had a good turnout at the open house” or you can be more forceful by saying
- “The seller is requiring that everyone who enters the property signs-in. For them it’s a security issue. I hope you can understand.”.
Mention the NAR Settlement 🪵
- “Since the NAR Commissions Settlement, we need to know who’s visited the Open House and any details on if they are represented by another agent.” (Some states have Open House disclosures that formalize this btw)
Get creative and try these tactics too:
- If you want to maximize the benefit of an Open House app don’t give visitors a pen & paper sign-in option. Visitors see that pen and will reflexively scribble “Mickey Mouse” on the paper…old habits die hard right? IF you really want to give a pen & paper option to visitors then hide so someone needs to ask for it. Trust us, few will…and most will love the slick, digital option.
- Similarly, skip the printouts like brochures at the open house. You can include digital information (like our listing microsites) in your follow up instead. That way, guests are more likely to share their contact info to receive these details – this is also why we built an immediate text message follow up feature. The scripts for incentivizing people to fill out the open house sign in sheet will help conveying this.
TIP: There’s one exception to the “no printout” rule. We suggest printing out the QR code that’s used for touchless sign-in. You can place it next to the digital sign-in OR even at the front door. Here’s an article that shows exactly how to do it and some QR Code templates that can be customized to fit your brand.
The Follow Through
Once you have applied these proven tactics to get more guests to sign-in make the most out of their lead info. Our text follow up feature is a great way to automate engagement and provide useful info about the property they signed-in at.
Using our Zapier integration you can push these guests to your CRM, dialer, or onto an email/VM/text drip campaign.

And Remember…
Every person there has taken time out of their life to spend time with you at this open house. The hardest part is done as soon as they walk in the door.