What REMAX agents are saying...

Great app. It’s free. And it’s easy to use. Perfect for open houses sign in.

curbhe.ro Is killer!

A great format for capturing open house contacts. great work!

Very excited to get started with Curb Hero.

I used the Dynamic QR code this past weekend on my Open House Signs and Yard sign for featured property. Good stuff.

I used Curb Hero this past weekend and loved it!

I am currently sharing it because it’s a great app!

The reason I signed up is because I am a brand new agent and want to make sure I am getting a small step ahead of others. Your product functions really smoothly and I hope to continue to use it.

I was truly impressed by the ease of use and all of the critical information that it captures. I intend on referring this app to other agents.

I enjoyed using the app versus the paper and pencil

I started using yours because I was using another digital open house sign in app and when I went to export the contacts, I ran into a pay wall. Fail.
I went looking to see if other apps were the same and yours offered much more functionality and is free to agents.

Great app. I tried it out with another agent at her open house
loved it.

Seems like a great opportunity to meet potential clients and capture their info.

I’ve been in real estate for 7 years now. I just switched last year from paper sign-ins to Curb Hero. I find it really easy and convenient. The app texts you once someone’s signed in and allows you to add notes to their sign-in. Curb Hero has worked really well for me so far!”

I must say I am impressed. Looking forward to using your platform more.
Why REMAX agents love Curb Hero

Powerful Yet Simple
We packed loads of features into this easy-to-use application. Yes, you can have it all.

Custom Branding
Start with a REMAX Open House sign-in sheet template...then add your own brand.

Oh and it's Free
REMAX agents can use our app with no charge. Seriously...100% free.
Recent REMAX Open Houses that used Curb Hero
Not only does Curb Hero offer the top rated Open House app for REMAX agents, but there are also REMAX branded single property sites that agents can create to promote listings.

How REMAX agents save time with Curb Hero

Easy Initial Setup
Get started with your first REMAX open house registry in less than a minute. Seriously we timed it.

Handwriting is dead
Don't waste time decoding bad penmanship on a printable REMAX open house sign-in sheet pdf.