Just Sold Postcards

If an amazing sale happens in a neighborhood and no one knows about it, did it ever happen?

Well technically yes, but if the agent that sold the property doesn’t let EVERYONE in that neighborhood know about it, it’s a missed opportunity. That’s why we’re going to go deep on Just Sold postcards here.

Not only will we delve into the reasons why Just Sold postcards are part of an effective listing prospecting strategy, but we’ll provide examples and headlines you can use to craft the perfect just sold postcard campaign. Here’s what we’ll cover:

Why Send Just Sold Postcards

Here are 5 reasons real estate agents should send Just Sold Postcards:

  1. Cha-ching: When someone’s neighbor’s home Just Sold for a noteworthy amount, it usually makes everyone’s property around them more valuable…thus adding to those owners’ net worths. It’s great to deliver good news like that.
  2. Show and Tell: Sending Just Sold postcards is like showing off a high score in real estate. It’s your way of saying, “Hey, I’m pretty good at this!”
  3. Brand Power-Up: Your Just Sold postcards aren’t just postcards. They’re your mini-billboards for your brand that contribute to how memorable your brand is.
  4. Relationship Booster: Sending a Just Sold postcard is like sending a friendly, “Remember me?” When done consistently as part of a geo-farming strategy, you’ll eventually become “the agent” that everyone thinks of first.
  5. The Referral Game: Sending out Just Sold postcards will keep you top of mind for anyone that may know someone who needs to sell.

Using Just Sold Postcards Effectively

How do you ensure Just Sold postcards reach their full potential in generating eyeballs and interest in your business? The answer lies in the consistent and strategic use of these captivating postcards.

  • Consistency: one-off mail campaigns are a waste. This should be part of a broader strategy that involves geo-farming, door knocking, circle prospecting, events and more.
  • Targeting: focus on a tight geo. 100-300 homes is a good number for these campaigns. Relevance decreases as you send further away from the actual sale.
  • Content: as we’ll spend much of the rest of this post covering, the content of your Just Sold postcard is key to grabbing attention, showcasing your expertise, and laying a foundation for follow-up.

Just Sold Postcard Examples

When it comes to just sold postcards, we understand that having some examples and templates can be an immense help in kickstarting your creative process. The design of your postcard is crucial in capturing the attention of homeowners and projecting a professional image. In fact, it’s often the graphics that leave a lasting impression on recipients. So, buckle up and get ready for some delightful examples that will inspire your own postcard wizardry!

1. The Stunning Showcase: Showcasing your marketing of the property on the postcard can be a powerful way to grab attention. Use high-quality photographs of the home as well as aerial shots when available. The idea is to catch their attention with the visuals and also plant the seed of “Wow this agent made this property look AH-MAZING!”

2. The Chuckle: If they’re laughing, they’re listening right? That’s why these funny Just Sold postcard examples are great for getting people’s attention.

3. The “Dang I’m Good!”: Did you knock it out of the park on a sale? Well don’t be so humble! Being a secret agent isn’t a good marketing strategy. Talk about the results you achieved for your client in big bold letters so the next seller on the block knows what you’re capable of.

4. The Heat Map: As they say, sometimes a picture isn’t enough – you need a whole story and showing a owner many of the recent sales right in their neighborhood is an enticing way to do that. Within this design you can also convey vital information about market trends to solidify your expertise.

Just Sold postcard using a map with recent sales

Other ideas for your Just Sold postcard templates:

  • Testimonials: Why not let your satisfied clients do the talking? Including a brief testimonial or quote from the happy homeowners can add credibility…especially when it’s someone that’s familiar to those receiving the postcard.
  • The “How We Did It”: Do you have a story to tell about how you transformed a property from an eyesore to eye candy? Use before and after images in your Just Sold postcard to show off your process.
  • Market stats: Including local market statistics on your Just Sold postcards is a great way to engage people. The current average home price, market trends, and details on recent sales in the area are all important signals for nearby owners who are interested in the value of their own property (for many their primary residence is their most valuable possession).
  • Introduce the New Homeowners to the Neighborhood: Not only is this a guaranteed attention grabber, it’s a nice personal touch that aligns well with listing prospecting activities in the neighborhood like planning events. You definitely want the homeowner and their agent’s permission here btw. Also this can be a follow up post card to the original Just Sold announcement. If you’re trying to create a “warm & fuzzy” brand this is a must.

While there are many Just Sold postcard templates, remember that these will often just be a stepping stone. Make sure your brand identity is carried into these designs for better recognition later. Also adding a unique touch sets you apart from any other agents that may have found the same starting point.

Get ready to unleash your creativity, make heads turn, and leave a lasting impression on potential clients.

Just Sold Postcards Headlines

When it comes to Just Sold postcard verbiage, you should lead with a big headline that’ll grab attention. Here are a few ideas depending on the situation:

Record-breaking sale headlines

  • “Your neighbor sold for WHAT?!”
  • “Record Shattering Sale on [street name]!”
  • “Multiple offers as [neighborhood] market heats up”
  • “You’ll never believe it!”
  • “Sold WAY Over-Ask!”

Headlines when a property is sold quickly

  • “Well That Happened Quick…”
  • “Pending in 5 Days!”
  • “Signed Sealed & Delivered”
  • “Boom! Sold in a Flash!”

General Just Sold postcard headlines

  • “The market is heating up!”
  • “Snap! Another Home Sold!”
  • “Who’s Gonna be Next?!”
  • “Sold! Who Said It’s a Slow Market?”
  • “Doing it Again: Just Sold!”
  • “This is how we do it!”
  • “The Sold Train Continues!”

…and since a Just Sold postcard is not only a showcase for your recent success but also your knowledge of the local market, incorporate relevant data about the local market.

That way you grab attention with the recent sale and then sneak in some value for prospective clients. Edutainment at it’s best!

Stats to consider for Just Sold postcards

  • Current average home price especially if the recent sale outperformed the average
  • market trends: price, sales, days on market, active listings,
  • Show short summaries of other recent sales (use a map if possible!)

Remember, the goal with your Just Sold postcards is to plant a seed in nearby owners’ minds that you’re the agent that they should talk to if/when they plan to sell. So go beyond simply spreading the news of your recent sale and provide some valuable intel to make a more positive, lasting impression.

Utilizing QR Codes in Just Sold Postcards

Online follow up is a beautiful thing. But a postcard is just about as offline as marketing gets…so how do you bridge the gap?

QR codes provide a seamless transition from the physical world to the digital. With a simple scan, you can provide prospects rich content and interactions that glossy paper could never enable by itself.

This is what’s possible for free with Curb Hero’s Dynamic QR Code (get started here).

And if you’re not sure what to include in your QR Code landing page, here are some ideas:

  • Details on the property that sold: photos, videos, virtual tours can all be included
  • Property valuation tools like a CMA so owners can find the value of their property and see market trends
  • Video testimonials from clients (ideally the client you just represented in the sale)
  • Lead capture forms and quick options to call/text/email you

So be sure to include QR Codes in your postcard designs with clear instructions on how to scan the code, making it user-friendly for people of all tech-savviness levels.

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected and digital, it’s important to take advantage wherever possible…even if your marketing tactics are heavily “offline”. So, as you plan your next Just Sold postcard campaign, consider the impact of QR codes. Whether it’s linking to video testimonials or providing additional digital content about the property, digital content not only keeps prospective buyers engaged and informed, but also showcases your marketing abilities.

Services for Creating and Mailing Postcards

Creating and mailing just sold postcards can be a breeze with the help of specialized services designed to make your life easier and your campaigns more effective.

Corefact: A well known provider for all things geo-farming that many agents recommend.

  • One stop shop: a stunning variety of easy-to-use designs for postcards, flyers, signs, business cards, branded swag, and even social media
  • High quality templates: designs that employ best practices when it comes to real estate marketing plus the integration of offline and online services

RealMailers: a powerhouse when it comes to targeted mailing and delivering your postcards directly to the right homeowners’ hands.

  • Advanced targeting options: you can select specific neighborhoods, demographics, or even individual households to ensure your postcards reach the perfect audience for your real estate goals.
  • Automated campaigns: set up a sequence of postcards to be sent at specific intervals. This means you can effortlessly stay top-of-mind with potential clients by sending a series of postcards including Just Sold postcards, market insights, and generally keeping in touch over time

Mailbox Power: If you’re looking for a service that goes beyond just mailing postcards, consider exploring the capabilities of Mailbox Power. One of their differentiators is sending gifts along with mailers: imagine sending a personalized postcard along with a small gift to make a more lasting impression.

Just Sold postcards help agents broadcast their wins to a targeted audience that is impacted by those “wins”. After-all most owners’ net worth is held within their home’s equity. If you achieved a stellar result selling their neighbor’s home, there’s a very high chance you can get their attention.

Still, it’s important not to expect immediate results from Just Sold postcards. Instead, view them as a branding and proof of work tool that will create future opportunities over time as you build awareness and credibility.

That’s why regular contact is key. Establishing a consistent presence in a neighborhood helps you stay top of mind and builds trust so you’re top of mind when an “owner” becomes a “seller”.


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