Easy to personalize
Works with my branding
Looks very professional
A 100% Editable Open House Sign-in “Sheet”
Paper Open House sign-in sheets are outdated and inefficient.
Instead show off your brand and marketing creativity to prospects.

Showoff your brand with a 100% editable sign-in
Trusted by thousands of agents every weekend

Move over pen & paper Open House sign-in sheets
Curb Hero's editable Open House sign-in is simple to use but easy to personalize. That means full customization of photos, logos, questions, colors, layouts and follow-up.

Move over pen & paper Open House sign-in sheets
Curb Hero's editable Open House sign-in is simple to use but easy to personalize. That means full customization of photos, logos, questions, colors, layouts and follow-up.
Realtors use Curb Hero as a Brand Showcase

Curb Hero was easy to set up and allows for a very professional look. It allows you to customize the branding and is set up for most of the major brokerages nationwide already. It allows me to create a QR code for touchless sign in. It also has this feature where you can create a microsite and the site will highlight your specific listing. And then you can share that through email and social media. And also I was able to easily export the list of attendees.