Real Estate Blog Tips, Including Content Ideas

When you start your blog, one of the hardest things is hitting the ground running. The amount of information out there can be overwhelming. It is difficult to know where to start–even if you’ve been blogging for a while and everything is going great, sometimes you just hit a wall creatively. 

We’ve already covered the mechanics of real estate blogging, and what platforms you should consider, now we’re ready to help you tackle what you should be writing about and how often you should do it. Whether you’re new at this, want a gut check you’re doing it the way you need to be or are looking for some real estate content ideas you’ve come to the right spot. 

Ready? Let’s dive in.

General Real Estate Blog Tips

Just Write

It seems like obvious advice, but whatever you do, just write. We get it, you’re busy, but if you can designate a time every week (or every other week, or even every month) to sit down and write, it will help you get into a habit of creating content for your blog and will teach your audience when to expect it. The more content you can create for your blog and post it at a consistent cadence, the more likely it is to be seen on search engines, which means, the more likely you are to reach new people interested in what you have to say. This is because you’re effectively telling the engines that you’re a reliable and consistent source for content, which the engines want to reward. Remember–they need content to fuel their business, too!

If you can only post one blog a month, that’s fine–just make sure you do it consistently, and you can eventually reap search engine rewards, too.  

Keep a List of Topics as They Come to You

How many times has this happened to you– you have a great idea while you’re doing the dishes or reading an article, you make a mental note to dive into it deeper, later…and then it’s just gone 5 minutes later. It’s happened to the best of us, which is why we’re here to give you the simple suggestion to write topics down as they come to you. You have enough to think about already, don’t put yourself in the position of forgetting your next million-dollar idea. 

Our two favorite approaches to keeping a list of blog topics are to have a notebook nearby in your home with a pen handy to keep a written list, or using the notes app on your phone to quickly fire off the idea before it disappears back into the ether. Whatever you do, get it someplace more permanent to keep a list of topics you can pull from when it comes time to write your next post. It doesn’t get much easier when it comes to real estate blog tips, does it?

Keep a List of Bloggers You Admire for Inspiration

Keep a list of bloggers you admire, either in the real estate world or outside of it, and see what you can learn from their blogging style. These might be topic ideas you can use as inspiration or the way they write. You can learn a lot this way and apply it to your real estate blog.  If you need some inspiration, we love: 

…the list goes on. Let us know if you want more recommendations, too! 

Real Estate Blog Tips Content Ideas

Don’t Forget the News

A fast way to become a go-to source of information readers love to read and keep coming back to is to become a trusted source of news. What’s the big news in the industry? What should your clients know about the housing market? What should they know about what’s happening if they’re trying to buy or sell a home? The key here is not to report but to contextualize and explain to your audience why it matters to them. 

Ask yourself:

  • What did you learn from the news story?
  • How can it be applied?
  • Why does it matter?

Build an article around these questions, and you’re already providing value. Just like these real estate blog tips!

Blog About the Local Real Estate Market

One topic to write about that is always a smart move for a real estate agent or business is what’s happening in your community. Connect with the local, and show people you’re part of the community, too. While many news sources and other media outlets tend to consider the national real estate market, it’s in their own backyard that buyers and sellers are the most interested.

Writing about this topic also gives you another distinct advantage: It plugs you into the local community in a way that you wouldn’t be if you only focused on the big picture.

Give Away Your Secrets

Give away your secrets– what are the tips and tricks you use to buy and sell properties? How can that help your readers in the real estate process?

Go from salesperson to teacher, and you accomplish two things at once: You become a trusted source of information, and you open your blog writing to a much wider range of topics that you can easily tap into.

Real estate agents do their job by helping people buy and sell their properties. By blogging about your experiences in this field, you can help those same people learn the art and craft of buying a home with all of its nuances.

Don’t Be Afraid to Get Personal

At the end of the day, we’re all human, so don’t be afraid to showcase that in your blog, too. No one is all business all the time, and sharing parts about your life like some fun tips you use to unwind, occasionally, changes your blog from a real estate blog to a destination for your readers, regardless of what you’re writing about. Think about what you like to read about in your spare time–is it just one topic? Probably not. Now think about what helps you make connections to your clients, and apply it to your blog. It may be your passion for a sports team, finding a new local restaurant, or the ability to tell an engaging personal story, whatever gets you excited and creates connections. That passion will come through in your content and create a meaningful relationship with your audience. 

Mix it Up, Use Video

The best way to grow your business is by personal referrals, which you know already. If you’re looking beyond referrals into what brings new customers through the door, a convincing and persuasive form of social proof is video testimonials. Make a habit, and a system, of asking every one of your happy clients for video testimonials. Showing off your video testimonials on your blog is a great way to build trust with your prospective clients. You can create video testimonials manually with an iPhone, or with tools like Vocal Video. Check out their template for creating video testimonials for real estate professionals specifically.

If you’re looking for more inspo, check these instagram video content ideas for real estate which could lead to ideas for your blog.

Real Estate Blog Tips Takeaway

Building an audience takes time and effort. The more you post consistently, the more exposure your real estate (and personal!) content will receive. Thus increasing its chances of being read and becoming popular enough to earn you more leads, more sales, and more opportunities to grow relationships with readers and potential clients. Remember, the more you help them, the more likely they are to remember you when they need help.

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