Luxury Open House Ideas

Go get your finest threads and order some charcuterie because we’re going to dive into the exciting world of luxury Open House ideas. When showcasing beautiful, high-end properties to (hopefully) deep pocketed buyers, there are all kinds of tips and tactics you can use to hold the Open House.

If you know what you want to dive deep on, just select any of these topics OR read through the whole article to learn the best tactics to ensure your luxury Open House is packed with potential buyers.

The Right Marketing to Attract Luxury Buyers

Getting the word out is always important when marketing a listing, but with higher end properties, there are certain marketing elements that need special attention.

Based on the comments, the agents didn’t directly discuss their recommended marketing strategies for promoting an Open House at a luxury, ultra-high-end property. However, extrapolating from their various comments and established real estate marketing practices, they might recommend the following strategies:

  • High-quality Photography and Videography: Luxury properties should be showcased through high-quality, professional photos and videos but there are a few extra media components to consider such as:
    • Drone videos to help potential buyers to appreciate the full scale and unique features of the property and its surroundings
    • Virtual tours to provide an immersive experience for potential buyers
    • Interactive floor plans for context and easier navigation of the property’s photos
    • For your ultra high-end properties even consider a highly produced “film style” real estate videos like this:
  • Social Media: Take that beautiful content from above and share on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook and even LinkedIn. But don’t just post and pray. Instead use subtle storytelling to your advantage:
    • build anticipation for the luxury listing with Coming Soon marketing and teasers of an upcoming Open House.
    • If posting Instagram stories, use countdowns to the listing going live OR to the Open House time.
    • “Go live” at the property and answer questions from your audience about the luxury listing
    • Use targeted ads to boost the content for users matching your ideal buyer profile
  • Email Marketing: Even deep pocketed buyers check their email right? So if you’ve got some high rollers in your database, send them the details about the Open House including a clickable calendar link for the date and time of the open house…and don’t skimp on the beautiful images of the property and key selling points.
  • Local Networking: Partner with local vendors that have the type of clientele that’d be likely buyers for the property is worth considering. While this may be more for the ultra high end property, some agents have done co-promotion with exotic car dealerships in the area. Yes this usually means you can nonchalantly park a Lambo in the garage.
  • Partnerships: Similarly if you want to elevate the event, invite influential people to help draw attention and see if they’ll mention your listing on their social media profile to get some extra eyeballs from your target demographic! Just a heads up that this could cost a bit, so utilize only when the listing warrants this type of promotion.
  • Broker’s Open House: Hosting a broker’s Open House can be beneficial to get other real estate professionals into the property, who can then share it with their network of potential buyers. We’ve got a whole article on Broker’s Open Houses here.
  • Press Releases: For ultra-high-end properties, sending press releases to local and even national media can generate buzz about the property and the Open House. There are media sites like Curbed that agents can coordinate for press like this.
  • Postcards and Door hangers: Although somewhat traditional, print marketing is still effective, particularly in high-end markets. Sending out high-quality, professionally designed postcards or door hangers to targeted neighborhoods is especially good for engaging with the neighbors and laying groundwork for future listings. Plus happy, engaged neighbors attending your Luxury Open House leaves a great impression with prospective buyers.

Emphasize off the Most Appealing Aspects of the Property

When holding a luxury Open House, it’s critical for the property to leave an impression. No duh, right? But in a luxury market, it’s the unique characteristics that make the difference. A cookie cutter property isn’t memorable and often is a major turn off.

We recommend considering the property’s best selling points and thinking through visitor flow at the Open House so people are directed to those parts of the property.

For example if the property has an amazing kitchen that sets it apart from other properties buyers may be considering, put food, drinks and/or marketing assets there so people see it first.

Backyards and outdoor spaces can also be highlighted in a similar way where you place some good eats there and suggest people check it out. After all people tend to follow the food…even at luxury Open Houses!

Backyards and outdoor spaces in a luxury Open House.png

Bedrooms and bathrooms aren’t as conducive to snacking so you may need to try other tactics if those areas are “can’t miss” parts of the property for buyers. In these cases you can just tell attendees something like “definitely be sure to check out the master bathroom. [insert selling point]. They did an incredible job on it”

The Basics Still Matter with a Luxury Open House

Just because your property has that olympic size swimming pool, it doesn’t mean that the rest of the property doesn’t need to show well. Missing the basic expectations of a luxury buyer can be disqualifying especially when it comes to making a good first impression.

These basics include furniture and decor. Even if the property is furnished exquisitely, you may want to consider Professional Staging to make sure the most important property features for buyers are accentuated. Good staging companies know the market and can be a great partner to highlight these features in the property and also give you ideas that may be valuable in marketing and selling the property. At a minimum check out these staging tips so you can make the most of the property.

getting to a luxury open house

On the topic of first impressions, don’t underestimate the experience on the way to the property. For example try and make these elements as client friendly as possible to boost their impression of the overall location:

  • Make directions and parking as easy as possible. See our Open House tips about using lots and lots of signs for easier way-finding.
  • In addition to making sure the property itself is clean, also remove any eyesores on the street especially issues that people may encounter walking into the property. Trash, pet mess, etc won’t help your luxury Open House resonate with luxury buyers.
  • Meet the neighbors beforehand and invite them. Meeting friendly neighbors at a property is a major selling point for buyers (and neighbors are valuable seller prospects too). We recommend door knocking and leaving door hangers a couple days before to get the word out to the neighborhood.

Food & Beverage Matters at a Luxury Open House

Food and beverage can be a powerful tool in creating a high end atmosphere at an Open House. But it also is a secret weapon (as mentioned above) for routing Open House visitors to the areas in the property that you want to get noticed.

Many agents find that snacks make potential buyers feel more at ease and keep them around longer which gives more opportunity for an agent to generate rapport and also creates more buzz around the Open House.

But if the property is truly a luxury property, don’t cheap out on the snack tray. Think locally sourced, avoid potential dietary restrictions and definitely resist anything messy.

Some agents go above and beyond by offering more luxurious food and drink choices like champagne, mimosas, charcuterie, cheese, and wine. These lavish options are sure to leave a lasting impression on your guests and show them that you truly care about their experience.

For many high end agents, food and drinks aren’t just an added bonus, but a central aspect of their Open Houses. They offer catering services and even themes, such as a sunset and dessert Open House – see our post that goes over the various times for an Open House including nighttime ideas.

Twilight Open House

Having the event in the evening can make the Open House feel more social and generate buzz for your listing. If you really want to bring an event-like feel, name it a “Twilight Open House” and make sure the bar is well stocked.

However, it’s important to note that serving alcohol at Open Houses may not always be allowed. Some brokerages prohibit it due to liability concerns, and in certain states, it’s even illegal. Always check with your brokerage and local state laws before offering alcoholic beverages at your luxury Open House.

Overall, offering food and beverage is a tool to create an elevated atmosphere when hosting an Open House for a luxury home. Many agents don’t rank snacks very high on the list of luxury Open House ideas but these “little things” can contribute to the property leaving a lasting impression on buyers.

Be a Wealth of Knowledge

When it comes to luxury Open Houses, an agent needs an in-depth knowledge of the property and the local real estate market. It is essential if you want to attract clients…after-all luxury buyers often require their representation to be best in class. That means a professional that knows what they’re talking about, and can confidently provide relevant and accurate information.

Real estate agents should be a Wealth of Knowledge

So it’s important to do your research and have a deep understanding of the property.

  • the property’s unique features, history, and even its architectural nuances
  • comparable properties in the area can be useful in helping potential buyers understand the unique value of your listing
  • we go over a whole list of potential Open House questions here

But it’s not just about the property itself. Providing information about the local area can be equally important, particularly for luxury buyers who are considering how all facets of their life may be impacted by moving to a new home. So think about what’s the current state and the future of the neighborhood? Go beyond just the best restaurants in the area and learn about companies that are moving in nearby which could have career and business implications for high end buyers.

Having a comprehensive understanding of the surrounding community can help pique potential buyers’ interest and solidify the property’s value in their minds.

Ultimately, showcasing knowledge and professionalism can be the key to establishing trust and developing strong relationships with potential buyers. By providing accurate information and building rapport, you can increase the likelihood of securing a longtime client and (with the right referral activities) potentially many more connections in the high-end real estate market.

The Little Things Add Up

When it comes to holding a luxury Open House, just a few small decisions can create the ideal atmosphere. These “little things” end up being game-changers in setting the tone for the event. Here’s a list of what we mean:

  • Music: we recommend soft, upbeat music in the background but we dive deeper in this article all about Open House Music
  • Ambiance: Make sure the lights are all on and you’re allowing as much natural light into each room as possible.
  • Your Team: if you expect a decent turnout, have another real estate professional with you to greet visitors and provide general info.
  • Timing: Of course the Saturday & Sunday “daytime” Open House is always an option, but when it comes to a luxury Open House, you should consider an evening as well. See our deep dive on Twilight Open House Ideas (and the best Open House times in general)
  • And there’s a lot more that we cover in this Open House Preparation guide and general tips on how to advertise an Open House
  • And if you want to use our free digital sign-in and QR Codes in your marketing check it out
Curb Hero Demo + Tutorial
Hosted by  Ajay Pondicherry
In this interactive session we will show you how to use Curb Hero’s FREE digital sign-in to save time, capture better data, and look amazing at your next Open House.

Ultimately, when it comes to creating the optimal atmosphere for any Open House or showing, the goal is to get potential buyers to envision themselves living in the space. But for a luxury Open House, it’s ALSO about ensuring the property is presented in an aspirational way. That way visitors envision the property as an achievement that’s proof of their own personal progress. No big deal right?

Luxury Open House Ideas
Article Name
Luxury Open House Ideas
These luxury Open House ideas include tips to showcase a high end property's best features and build rapport with luxury buyers

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