It's free and easy to use
Thankful it is free
Free app that is perfect so far
The #1 Free Open House Sign-in Sheet is an App
Before Curb Hero: I can't read a single word on these paper sign-in sheets
After Curb Hero: All guests were sync'd to my CRM. Early dinner anyone?

Proven to capture better data
Trusted by thousands of agents every weekend

The 1980s want their printable open house sign-in sheets back
Our free digital Open House app is proven to save time and collect better quality client info. Life's too short to decode bad handwriting on open house sign-in sheets.

The 1980s want their printable open house sign-in sheets back
Our free digital Open House app is proven to save time and collect better quality client info. Life's too short to decode bad handwriting on open house sign-in sheets.
Agents that Love our Free Open House Sign-in Sheet

I don’t understand why this is free. I love it so much I would honestly pay an annual fee! But… I’m not one to judge so I appreciate the savings!! Lol. Whom ever invented this is a FLIPPING GENIUS! I love the QR Code feature to sign in. Makes long lines at OHS go smoothly!!!

Easy to use, connects to CRM, we use it every time – all for free. The best is the support team who personally stay in touch.

Easy to use, connects to CRM, we use it every time and add notes to remember who came to the OH. They send a CSV of local properties so. You can easily send a mailer out - all for free. The best is the support team who personally stay in touch.

If you’re looking for a good open house sign in all that will present professionally, but not require a tech degree or a week of training to learn to use, this is the one I’ve tried a few but Curb Hero strikes the perfect balance between power and simplicity.

If you're looking for a good open house sign in all that will present professionally, but not require a tech degree or a week of training to learn to use, this is the one I've tried a few but Curb Hero strikes the perfect balance between power and simplicity.

This app is extremely well done and super easy to use! It’s easy to write my notes about an open house guest and then forward everything so I can follow up with them when I get home. And its FREE! How does that happen?